Survey Questionnaires

The Hordaland Health Studies is composed by two baseline studies: The Homocysteine study and HUSK

The Homocysteine study conducted in 1992/93

  • Two main age groups: 1925/27 and 1950/52

HUSK conducted in 1997/99.

  • Three main age groups 1925/27, 1950/51 and 1953/57


The Homocysteine study 1992/93

English Version Norwegian Version
Questionnaire from 1992/93 Skjema fra 1992-93
Self-reported health status – Additional questionnaire Engen helse – Tilleggsskjema fra 1992-93
Food and drink last 6 hours – Additional questionnaire Mat og drikke siste 6 timer- Tilleggsskjema fra 1992-93


HUSK 1997/99

It consists of six questionnaires. Each questionnaire was completed by a specific age group. The questionnaire 2 was divided in four questionnaires – Women 1 and 2, men 1 and 2 (see table below). All participants signed a consent form.

Questionnaire Age group (year of birth)
Questionnaire 1 1925/27, 1950/51 and 1953/57
Questionnaire 2:
      Women 1 50% of women born in 1953/57
      Women 2 50% of women born in 1953/57
      Men 1 50% of men born in 1953/57
      Men 2 50% of men born in 1953/57
Homocysteine 1925/27 og 1950/51
Food frequency questionnaire 1925/27 og 1950/51
Cognitive 1925/27
Lung function 510 women og 510 men born in 1925/27 and 1950/51


Some questionnaires from HUSK are now available in English. The Norwegian version is also available for easy comparison.

English Version Norwegian Version
Questionnaire 1 Skjema 1
Questionnaire 2 Skjema 2
Homocysteine Homocystein
Food frequency questionnaire Kosthold
Cognitive Kognitiv
Lung function Spirometri


Norwegian Survey questionnaires and more information from HUSK  (Only in Norwegian)